Since this entire site was FREE for me, I must pay homage to the advertising gods. Please excuse the banner
The Acropolis
�����Welcome to my home. My name is Amelia. After many months of web development, I decided that it was finally time to build myself a home; a central hub from which one could navigate my virtual community. Please take note that no matter what site or page you decide to visit, at the bottom you will find the home link that will bring you back to this page. Now lets get started on our journey. As you will see from the headings below, I am a lady of many interests, so take your time. I'll be here when you get back.
**please be patient as some of the graphics may take a while to load, but they are well worth the wait**
Music Pages:
�����Music has been said to soothe the wildest of beasts. Well, maybe they weren't talking about Marilyn Manson's particular brand of music. Music is an integral part of my life. Here you will find my tributes to various bands and singers that have influenced my life in a great way. You might notice, though, more than one entry for Depeche Mode. That's because I am a true Devotee and can think of no better way to show my devotion to the band and their music. Enjoy...
Depeche Mode 101
This is my most prized of all Devotee pages. It is still under construction, but come around back and have a look.
My second Depeche Mode page has disappeared into a black hole, never to be seen again.
Web Cartoons:
�����Below you'll find my two favorite comic strips. They may seem esoteric, but start at the beginning and you'll know exactly what's going on.
Diesel Sweeties
Love and Pixels. This is about a robot who has a porn-star girlfriend and their group of friends.
An ongoing tale of a bunch of stuffed animals that live in the authors house.
Exciting Stuff Coming Soon:
�����WOW!!! You've made it this far? Well, this is where you get to find out all about the creator of this site, yours truly! I won't keep you in suspense any longer. Go ahead and take a peek.
Brief Biography�����|�����Amelia's Album